In the corridors you hear this word, “blog”; in front of the coffee machine it speaks of “post” and the photocopier, it is “moderation” that is discussed. But yet, you work in a B2B company Would it be possible? Well yes, having a blog for a B2B company is possible, and it’s even widely recommended 5 tips to start!
1. Find the angle of approach, what topic are you going to talk about?
What is a roasting business (yes, I wrote well fence) can she talk? Take the case of Louis E. Page , a small business, over 100 years old lost in Massachusetts. She managed to increase her lead base by 850% thanks to the opening of her blog.
Disseminating content on the installation of a fence does not seem very interesting at first and yet, their white paper dedicated to the laying of a metal wire fence for horse pens has been a bestseller in its category with more than 1500 downloads!
Spread your knowledge, write a white paper, bounce on the news and, above all, get into the conversation!
It’s up to you to choose your type of blog, the one that corresponds to your ambitions: eve, event, expert, ephemeral, leader …
2. Choose your editorial team and involve your employees!
So the company decided to open a blog … but who will write the tickets? To produce quality “fresh” content, you will need to find a team of web editors in your employees. These employees will have to really invest in the project for it to work.
I think that establishing an editorial calendar is a good way to get organized (it’s the hardest thing and I know what I’m talking about!) And to motivate the troops. We also do not hesitate to have his notes read again by another pair of eyes, we will surely avoid beautiful misspellings and other incongruous words placed carelessly in the text … (Quickly, I will reread my article 3 times for track down mistakes!)
3. Learn to write for the web, it can not be improvised
Writing for the web differs from writing for print. There are several things to know, starting with the direct approach. This approach consists of placing the essential points from the beginning, the opposite of an article in the written press. We will also take the time to understand what is a Title or an H1; in short, we will be interested in SEO (SEO) .
We note, in passing, a blog, it does not serve to praise its products (“my grill is the most resistant”). Do not fall in the advertising site! A blog is well and truly done to give his opinion, to take sides, to comment on the news. We leave the formal shackles of corporate and personalize his tickets: it is really a question of finding his way!
4. Promote your info
The basis of a community necessarily begins in his business. First of all, we will take care of our internal communication and make sure everyone knows and talks about the blog to their clients / prospects.
Then, according to the strategy that has been determined upstream (awareness, recruitment, lead generation?), We apply the recommendations and we launch on social media : Twitter account, Facebook page, LinkedIn Company page, Youtube … The aim is to promote, to the communities gathered on each of the social networks, the tickets of our blog.
5. Measure your B2B blog
To ensure the actions implemented, it is time to implement dashboards with the KPIs corresponding to the objectives. Google Analytics will become your best ally and you can take the necessary steps by adjusting your actions. For more information on this part, you can visit this article !
And if you want to go even further, now is the time to go to the Kinoa Institute website , which offers trainings to learn how to blog for B2B companies in DIF . Okay, we will not fall into the hype advertising (cf # 3), so I leave you with one last tip: a little humor here and there, even in B2B, it works. I say that, I say nothing … By the way, this will be the subject of a future post