TANCET stands for the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test conducted by Anna University on behalf of the Government of Tamil Nadu. They get admissions to various Government and non-Government colleges. The exam provided a wonderful opportunity to the MBA aspirants. It is thus necessary for them to have some relevant information about the exam so that they schedule things accordingly. The article below provides the relevant information as is necessary for taking the TANCET exam.
The examination is conducted once a year. The courses offered through this exam are Post Graduate courses i.e., MBA, MCA, M.E., M.Tech, M. Arch, and M. Plan. The application for this exam is made online. Around 466 colleges come under this exam. The candidates can also apply for more than one course but a fee of Rs. 500 (for general category students) and Rs. 250 (for the reserved category) has to be paid for each programme. The various steps in the application process are registering, filling details, uploading of images and making fee payment. The form should be filled carefully because no modifications are allowed once the form is submitted. It is advisable to take a print out of the form after filling it.
For making an online application, a fee of Rs. 500 is to be deposited by the General Category students and Rs. 250 for the SC/ ST category students. A Bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks is also essential for registering but the candidates having a B.Tech or B.E. degree through distance or weekend mode are not eligible to appear for the examination. The applications are expected to be released sometime in April and the result is declared in the first week of June. Further, the counselling for the courses begins in July and August. It differs for different colleges. The forms can be accessed at annauniv.edu/ by clicking on ‘TANCET 2020 Registration.’
The examination is a pen and paper-based and 2 hours long. It contains questions worth 100 marks for MBA and MCA and 115 marks for the other categories. The questions are Multiple Choice based. The languages of this exam are English and Tamil, the regional language. It is conducted across 15 cities. For every correct answer, 1 mark is allotted and for every incorrect answer, 1/3 mark is deducted. There is no negative marking for unattempted questions. Thus, a maximum of 100 marks can be scored in the examination. The candidates from other states can also apply if they wish to do so but their eligibility shall be determined by the relevant authorities. A different pattern is followed for different courses but the paper is generally divided into four sections of 25 marks each.
In the MBA course, the sections are verbal ability, data interpretation, mathematics, and English language. For the MCA course, the sections are Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, and Computer Awareness. There are 25 questions in each section. For the M.Tech, ME and M. Arch exam, the categories are Engineering Mathematics, Basic Engineering Sciences, and Part III (different for different courses). The first two sections have 20 questions each and Part III has 60 questions.
The candidates who have a valid GATE score and qualifying marks in the relevant discipline of Engineering/ Technology need not appear for the TANCET exam but the candidates having a valid GATE score and qualifying marks in Engineering Science (XE) and Life Science (XL) have to appear for the exam. The results are declared in three categories namely, TANCET, GATE, and Sponsored categories.
The candidates can access their admit cards from the Anna University website by entering their valid ID and password. If the admit card is lost, a duplicate one can be received by paying Rs. 100 through demand draft to the Secretary at Anna University. The result is declared on the official website and the candidates must keep in mind that the scorecard has to be downloaded within 10 days of declaration of the result. Further, the GATE qualified candidates can directly participate in the counselling by filling the forms available at tanca.annauniv.edu. A fee of Rs. 300 is to be paid for participating in the counselling process. The TANCET score is valid only for one year. Therefore, if a candidate wants to take part in the counselling process then they have to take the TANCET exam that year or have the valid GATE score.
Thus, the MBA, MCA aspirants should appear for this exam. They should keep in mind the timeline for the same and prepare accordingly.
Check all information for TANCET exam such as registration, application, admit card exam date, and result etc. at https://www.shiksha.com/mba/tancet-exam