There are multiple types of guns used by different persons, from hunter, policeman, and soldiers. There are handguns, shotguns, assault rifles like AR-10 and AR-15 rifles, even AK-47 rifles. And all these types of firearms must be used appropriately and for a specific purpose. Due to frequent cases of home invasion, homedefense101 website has come up the top list of most appropriate guns suitable for home defense. Below are some of the safety measures to consider when possessing a shotgun at home:
Should be licensed for home protection
The shotgun is one of the most preferred types of weapon suits home defense purpose. The shotgun can only be possessed under the license issued by state law. Home defense shotgun is typically 26 inches long and also lesser weight. You should know the perfect place to keep the weapon, especially in a house where there are children and frequent visitors.
Should be adaptable and resourceful
A good shotgun for home defense should be resourceful and adaptable to any sensible and matured user. Shotgun has been around different forms since the first make was invented. Up to date, they’ve become useful in various reasonable needs. The shotgun can fire dangerous loads, beans bags or just blanks.
The main point is that those who have used shotgun most frequent, especially bag guys or police officers know exactly how it can be lethal. A shotgun usually has a unique sound like a click slam whack. It is a familiar sound that mostly fills people with fear.
Procedures of using a shotgun
The first lesson before getting into using the shotgun should at least start by contacting the authorities before start firing the bullets. 911 is always the international emergency number. Once you contact 911, you can now rash to where the pistol is kept and make sure it’s loaded.
Find out whether you’re under attack or not
Secondly, the most important before you start firing the bullets, find out whether the intruder is dangerous or just harmless. Warn the intruder that you are armed with a pistol, so he/she either respond or get fired at. If you notice they are coming closer click-slam your shotgun.
When it reaches this point, get ready to fire the bullet aiming towards the ceiling. Fire the first bullet towards the ceiling. Even though the blank may cause a little damage on the roof but it can be fixed easily. After all at that your life is at stake so, you shouldn’t be bothered about your ceiling.
Police arrived on the scene
Immediately the policemen arrived in the scene place down the weapon before you opened the door. If you considered all the procedures, you could always have confidence when using any shotgun. These are some of the essential information provided at Homedefense101. Visit their site for much and more.