Once your business website starts to grow steadily, you will require more resources. Then, you will have to switch your shared or VPS hosting server onto a UK dedicated server. When the number of visitors to your website is extremely high and you will need a higher server uptime, it’s better to use a dedicated server hosting. This server is not only robust and reliable, but they are also more scalable as well as secure. By using this server, you will be able to enjoy all the resources exclusively. It means that you will get an easy access to resources whenever you require it. Furthermore, you also can tweak this server to meet the specific requirements of your business.
So, if you want to sign up to a dedicated server hosting from another hosting environment, then the transition is possibly much easier. Before taking a dedicated server, the initial task is to access the requirements of your company and then you can look for a dedicated server consequently. After selecting a dedicated server hosting, you can maximize its power as per your requirements. If you are unaware of how to do that, then you can follow the section described below.
Security Measures:
The simplest way to increase the performance of a dedicated server is to protect it by taking high-end security measures. Although using a dedicated server on your company can provide you the power you are looking for. But, it can also expose the business to risks at the same time, unless you will need to be careful regarding the protection of the sever. The number of hacking attempts is increasing gradually. These incidents like DDoS attacks, not only slow down the loading time of the webpage but can also bring the entire server down. So, you will need to give security the top priority. It can help you to decrease the risks of slow speeds, downtime, and other problems that can otherwise attack your defenseless servers.
Adjust Priority Settings:
One of the most effective and easiest methods you can use to enhance the performance of your dedicated server is to modify the priority settings. It will enable you to manage the order in which the server completes the special tasks. By default, most of the UK dedicated server hosting runs at ‘normal priority.’ But, you can set it to ‘high priority.’
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It can help you to reduce the time of page loading as well as cut down on overall latency. Sometimes, some priority options depend on the Operating Server you are using. So, you will have to make sure to explore all the opportunities as well as determine which one of the best for your business requirements.
Optimize JavaScript Delivery:
If you are dealing with unexpected lags in the loading time of the webpages and if your website is using JavaScript, then you will need to take steps to optimize the delivery of JavaScript. Without this, almost all the web browsers stop loading a webpage automatically until the JavaScript file has been read completely. This method is recognized as JavaScript Render Blocking. It may result in slow webpage loading time on the site.
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You can modify the settings to defer the loading of JavaScript until the rest of the webpages of your site completes loading. By doing this, you can provide your visitors with better user experience. A similar process also can be done for CSS that can also help you to decrease the loading time of the webpages. You need to be careful about if you are using CSS or JavaScript, you will need to revisit the coding on a regular basis and streamline it whenever possible. It can help you to reduce the overall size of the files on your business website. It will enhance the overall performance and speed of your server.
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Consider a Proxy Server:
You can also consider a back-up or set up a proxy of the server to enhance the performance of the UK dedicated server. This way, all the data of your website will be compromised as you will have back-ups of all the essential files of your company. It can help you to keep your website running smoothly as you solve the cause of the problem from its core.
The Usage of Cheap Dedicated Server
A UK dedicated server hosting is one of the most costly servers but it also comes with high-end features. These features can benefit your company a lot in case you are planning to use it professionally. By using this server, you can host any number of sites. But, you will need to be competent technically in order to maintain and manage this server. A cheap dedicated server gives you complete resources. With the help of this server, you will be able to be available for your consumers round the clock. You can primarily start using the hosting server in two ways. The first one is, split open the server into smaller pieces, create a virtual server, and sell your products or services. The second option is to become a reseller with any reputed server hosting organization. But, for that, you will have to make sure that you have a strong internet connection. You are recommended not to use the home internet line as it may affect the functionality of other devices.
These are some tricks to improve the performance of a cheap dedicated server. Along with that, with the help of the usage discussed above, you will be able to use this server in a proper way. We hope it will help you to grow your business throughout the globe.