Which web hosting provider should I select to manage and develop my business website?” It’s quite a common question for most of the small business owners, bloggers, or developers. Like the other vital things of a business, making a decision on which hosting provider to select can be a tough decision. Most of the providers available in the market promise to offer unlimited resources, knowledgeable support, and 99% of uptime.
Failing to choose a reliable hosting provider can be an expensive market. It may result in wasting huge funds of a company. Furthermore, it may also end up losing the site traffic owing to the lack of website features and uptime. Are you on the same list and unable to decide which cheap dedicated server hosting provider is the best suit for your website? Don’t worry, you have come to the right page.
Here in this guide, we are going to help you to make your decision by discussing some essential factors that you must need to consider while choosing a dedicated server hosting provider. So, you can take a look at the section described below.
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Overall Value
Every company has an individual limited budget. So, it’s vital to select a dedicated server hosting provider that suits your budget. But, the cost should not be the primary and one and only concern. Although it can, sometimes, end up taking you more in the long run by simply selecting the cheapest valued option.
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So, you can have a dense look at what the hosting provider provides in the other five categories discussed hereunder. Then, question yourself if the overall value adjusts with the amount you will pay to run the website you strive for.
Most of the companies today desire to be online and be accessible to their clients 24/7 as well as 365 days a year. Anything shorter than that means that you are apparently wasting your money. So, try choosing a dedicated server hosting provider that ensures providing minimum downtime of your business website. In that situation, a UK dedicated server can be an ultimate option for you.
Try to choose a hosting provider that is efficient in providing support on round the clock basis. Even if you manage your server on your own, still having 24/7 and reliable support is necessary when you require it is crucial. And the thing you must need is to have a hard time reaching the hosting provider when you require the support the most. So, you will need to choose a hosting provider that provides numerous support channels like phone, email, and live chat.
You need to check what are other companies or users talking about a hosting provider? It is big, reliable, good, bad, or whatever is there you need to know. It’s a good way to know if a hosting provider can be worthy and reliable to your website. You can know all of these from the experience of other users. There are some websites that offer a community forum. You can check that to know what others are saying about hosting and hosting provider related issues. Furthermore, you can also ask the community about a dedicated hosting provider to know their reputation.
Hardware Quality
Business applications require to run on hardware that can help to fulfill all the requirements of a company. So, it’s essential to ensure that the hosting provider you choose provides server-grade hardware. There are some hosting providers that offer desktop-grade hardware that is built to run only for 40 hours a week. It’s always better to avoid such types of hosting providers.
Service Level Agreements
These are some promises a dedicated server hosting provider gives to you in exchange for your money. With today’s competitiveness hosting market, you shouldn’t select a hosting provider that doesn’t provide relevant Service Level Agreements like deployment times, hardware replacement, support response times, and uptime.
Dedicated Server FAQs
Does a Hosting Provider Offer SSD Drive for the Server?
Yes, most of the dedicated server hosting providers offer SSD drives with their servers. In addition, you will also get a high-speed drive that will help you to store your additional information. This is one of the best combinations of a cheap dedicated server as it offers the highest speed that is needed for running the web apps.
Can a Hosting Provider Offer any Extra Storage to the Server?
There are numerous ways. A UK dedicated server hosting provider can help you with your dedicated plans. They also can add a certain amount of extra hard drive for you if possible. Else, they can migrate your dedicated server with a data center.
How much Bandwidth provided with a Cheap Dedicated Server?
Several types of bandwidth come with a cheap dedicated server. They are limited to 50 GB to 10 TB from 10 Mbps to 1 Gbps.
How to Maintain a Dedicated Server?
There are a few steps to maintain a dedicated server. They are:
- Checking backups
- Keeping the Operating System up-to-date
- Checking the usage of the resources
- Password updates
- Protecting remote management utilities
What happens if the System Runs out of space on the Hard Drives?
A Reliable dedicated server hosting provider always monitors the usage of your resources with their monitoring team. So, they will alert you when the system runs out of space. Furthermore, if you require any additional space, then the hosting provider can help you by upgrading