In the event of a terror attack, tornado, or an invasion, it would be ideal to have a place where you can stay protected until it all blows over. For a lot of people, safe rooms are used as a protection measure against tropical storms, hurricanes but more for tornados. Tornado warnings are usually issued right before disaster strikes, leaving no time for someone to get away fast enough. Businesses and commercial buildings also have panic rooms, where the people can shelter in case of a robbery attack.
Therefore, safe rooms come in very handy at such times. A safe room is constructed to be able to withstand extreme weather elements, and they are impermeable by the debris that is airborne. Nonetheless, if there is a risk of flooding, a safe room is not the best option, and you must evacuate to more sheltered areas.
For a long time, safe rooms have been in existence. People have used them for different reasons, both on land and in the water. For civilian ships have continuously encouraged the installation of panic rooms, called “citadels” if a ship is under attack, the crew retreats to the safe room then request for assistance. Given the nature of a ship’s construction, the panic room is installed in a void within the vessel in a concealed area. Depending on how advanced the ship is, the crew can be able to disable the electronic systems and the engines remotely from the safe room. Generally, they are reinforced to withstand physical attacks, and in the case of a rescue attempt, an armed force can be used without risking the crew.
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Even though it is not very common, people also build safe rooms to protect themselves from fires. Even though the natural response to fire is get away from it, it is virtually impossible to outrun a fire vortex. As the climate continues to change, these fire whirls are becoming more common, and this necessitates emergency shelters.
For protection against weather catastrophes, it is advisable to have your structure underground to avoid being hurled around. To ensure maximum protection, an individual should ensure that the safe rooms are installed or built-in accordance to FEMA regulations, and mostly in specification towards what they are for. For instance, tornado safe rooms Texas are built to withstand an EF5 Tornado and passed the Texas Test Impact Test.
Safe rooms vary in their structural builds, which are also dependent on the financial capability of an individual. A basic safe room is a closet-like structure with an exterior grade door with a deadbolt. The strike-plates and hinge screws are longer to withstand the battering.
An elite safe room will have reinforced walls and doors of fiberglass, Kevlar, or steel. Some may be built with external ventilation systems. If it not for weather protection, it may have a connection to an escape shaft. The use of the safe room depends on the location. It could be a security measure or like for tornado safe rooms texas, and they may be a measure against catastrophic weather situations.
Read more: Four Ways To Introduce Sun Joe Electric TillerMost tornado safe rooms texas are adequately fastened to the structure’s foundation to prevent uplift or overturning. They can hold out wind pressure and are resistant to infiltration by the debris that flies around during a storm.
It is advisable to separate any interior or exterior walls that are attached to the residential structure. This way, if it is destroyed, the safe room will not be affected.
If you do not have sufficient space to build an external panic room, you can reinforce one of the rooms in your house that can easily fit the entire family. This can be the storage space, a bathroom, or the walk-in closet. All that is required is installing a new foundation