oooreVasectomy is a non-surgical outpatient procedure that doctors perform to sterilize men. It is one of the most effective and cheapest forms of male birth control. The operation involves cutting off the vas deferens tubes present in their scrotum, which contains the sperm. This ensures the sperm does not reach their penis. As a result, they are not unable to impregnate women during sexual intercourse. It is safe, and men, after undergoing this procedure, hardly suffer from any serious complication. Moreover, the recovery period of this procedure is short compared to other birth control operations for men.
Vasectomy in Sacramento CA – what should you expect?
You need to book an appointment and consult a urologist who has proven track records and experience performing a non-surgical vasectomy operation. You will receive the following guidelines for preparation-
- The urologist will first explain to you what the vasectomy involves and the likely outcome of the procedure,
- The day before the procedure you need to shave the public hair surrounding the penis and the scrotum,
- You should clean the skin covering the surface of your genitals with a solution prescribed by the doctor
- You should not apply any deodorant or talcum powder in the genital region on the procedure’s date.
- You should wear a pair of comfortable underpants on the date of the vasectomy procedure, and
- The urologist performing a vasectomy in Sacramento CA clinic will ask you to sign a consent form specifying your willingness to undergo the procedure, and
- You should bring a companion with you on the day of the vasectomy procedure.
What happens on the day of the vasectomy procedure?
The urologist conducting and supervising the non-surgical vasectomy procedure will take the following steps:
- Your urologist will first sedate you using local anesthesia to ensure you remain semi-conscious,
- He will then proceed to make small incisions in the area of the scrotum using special forceps,
- The medical specialist then the cuts the vas deferens which carries the sperm into the penis,
- The urologist ties up and sanitizes each end of the vas deferens with a thermal cautery instrument,
- He then replaces the vas deferens into the scrotum, and
- Finally, the urologist will close all of the incision using sutures.
After the procedure, the urologist will instruct you to apply a cold compress to the genital area. This helps you to deal with the swelling and any other discomfort you might experience after the procedure. Your doctor will even prescribe certain anti-inflammatory medicine. You should avoid driving home alone. Ask your companion accompanying you on the day of the surgery to take you back.
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With the help of a right vasectomy in the Sacramento CA clinic, you can safely undergo this procedure. It is a minor one, and you can go home on the same day. Make sure you rest well to allow the area to heal completely. In case of discomfort, call your doctor immediately. Do not do any strenuous activity. Apply an ice pack to deal with the swelling. After some weeks, visit your doctor for a checkup.