Fashion shoots are successful when all the photograph elements are in complete sync with one another. The onus of the photographer is not to focus on the clothes but also the model with the right pose. However, there are cases where the model might be new in the field, and this gives rise to what is known as an “awkward pose.” This means the model has problems posing with the camera, and here you must step in to break the ice and make the situation more comfortable for the model.
Bruce Weber Photographer– start by getting to know one another
Bruce Weber is a well-known figure in fashion photography, and he shot into fame in the 1980s for his famed and iconic pictures of the male body. He is a widely acclaimed filmmaker and is the creator of some popular documentaries and short films in America. He presently lives in Miami in Florida and has worked with prominent fashion designers like Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and Karl Lagerfeld.
According to him, as a fashion photographer, it is your onus to use your talent to define the brand’s image. As a professional, you need to focus on both the model and the clothes. This will help you in a big way to create the desired outcome. As a fashion photographer, it is your job to work with both new and experienced models. All your projects will never be the same, and so it is here that you should be adaptable.
Breaking the ice
One of the essential Bruce Weber photographer tips is to talk to the model and later break the ice. You should ensure that the model is comfortable with the poses. It would help if you spoke to the model so that you do not seem to be a stranger to the model. However, you must ensure that your small talk does not get too personal.
To get the best images for your photoshoot, ensure your model does not look too nervous. It takes time as new models are not used to poses. If you need to improvise on new poses, you can always refer to the work of famous fashion photographers or even check out online resources for inspiration. In this way, you can capture images with the desired outcome with success!
The fashion shoot should be planned well in advance
Fashion photography is an art and if you wish to establish your presence in the field, ensure that you have the drive and passion for learning. Practice what you learn over time for getting the success you need with success!
Another important Bruce Weber photographer tip is to plan the fashion shoot. Everyone should be aware of their roles and responsibilities when it comes to the shoot elements. A good fashion photographer is also a good leader, so interpersonal skills are essential. In short, everyone should be on the same page regarding all the elements of the fashion shoot and project.