The health of teeth and gyms reflect the health of the whole body. Practicing a proper oral hygiene routine and daily flossing is a good way to keep the teeth healthy. In addition to this, regular visits to an experienced dentist like Dr. Kami Hoss, and food nutrition and diet is also needed. Most people want to have whiter teeth. Whiter teeth are the result of stronger and healthier enamel. Enamel is basically the outer protective layer of teeth, and helps in keeping the teeth white.
A lot of people are not even properly aware of the essential part of their teeth known as enabling until they are faced with a problem associated with it. While certain level of damage caused to the enamel cannot be repaired on its own, people can always take steps to support and protect it. Here are a few of them:
Limit sugary foods and drinks: Bacteria in the mouth tend to feed on sugar from drinks and food. Then they make acids, which help in softening and wearing away the enamel. Chewy candies that stick to the teeth might also cause a lot of damage. Soft drinks can also have extra acids. Soft drinks having artificial sweeteners are a smarter choice in comparison to the ones with sugar, but they are also acidic and can wear down the enamel over time. Hence, it is always better to have a plain glass of water while being thirsty, than any sugary drink.
Eat foods that protect enamel: Calcium present in food helps in countering acids in the mouth that may cause decay. It can also be helpful in keeping the bones and teeth strong. Cheese, milk, and other dairy products help in protecting enamel. It is better to go for low-fat or fat-free items to help keep calories down. In case a person does not eat dairy, then they should try to explore food options with calcium added.
Avoid over-brushing: A person might wear down their enamel if they brush too fast and hard. It is smarter to hold a brush with soft bristles at around 45-degree angle to the gums, and subsequently move it back and forth in short, gentle strokes, about the distance of one tooth. If is additionally advisable to wait for an hour or so after eating sweets or citrus fruits before brushing the teeth as acidic foods can soften enamel and may make it easier for people to damage it.
Even though enable is quite a robust material, it might thin out over time. If a person does not follow a proper dental hygiene or have an unhealthy diet, bacteria might wear down the enamel over time. This will lead to cavities through tooth decay. Moreover, other behaviors might also end up contributing to dental erosion. In this situation, an experienced dentist like Dr. Kami Hoss should be consulted.